

ActionControl is a plugin for Minecraft servers implementing the Sponge API. It allows you to react on almost every action performed by a player on your server. With ActionControl you can currently control the following actions:

  • Mining blocks
  • Placing blocks
  • Interacting with blocks
  • Interacting with entities
  • Attacking entities
  • Using items
  • Crafting items

Currently, these are the only actions that are supported. But there are a lot more planned and will be also implemented when the Sponge API supports them. To get an overview over everything that is planned, you can visit the planned features page.


Releases and their changelog can be found at the GitHub releases page. The usage of these builds is recommended because they are stable and were tested using a major Sponge release.

Development builds

Development builds can be downloaded from the continuous integration server. These are unstable and untested but might include bug fixes or additional features.


After you downloaded ActionControl, simply move the jar file into the mods folder of your SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla server. Read the configuration guide to learn how to create powerful config files.

Getting Support

If something is not working correctly, which is very likely since this plugin is in an very early stage, you can always ask for help or report a bug at the following locations:


To contribute to this plugin or this documentation, you can open a pull request. Since there is no real developer documentation yet, it is better to wait until there is one.